Hallo Ihr Lieben,
heute startet eine neue Challenge auf dem Everybody-Art-Challenge Blog, diesmal mit einem tollen Sketch von unseren lieben Alex. Ich hoffe der Sketch gefällt Euch genauso gut wie mir und Ihr macht wieder fleißig mit!
Ich habe mir für meine Karte die goldige Tilda mit den Blumen ausgesucht und die Farben mal in gelb/grün gehalten.
Bei der Challenge von Dutch Dare Card Challenges lautet das Thema *Vintage Summer* und deshalb habe ich meine Karte schön shabby gemacht.
Vielen Dank das Ihr wieder bei mir vorbeigeschaut habt und ich wünsche Euch noch einen tollen Tag.

Hi dear all,
today is starting a new challenge over at the Everybody-Art-Challenge Blog. This week with a great sketch from our dear Alex. I hope you like the sketch and I´m looking forward to see what you come up with.
For my card I selected the cute Tilda with flowers and I used this time the color combo yellow/green.
Over at the challenge of Dutch Dare Card Challenges the theme is called *Vintage Summer* and therefore I let my card looks like shabby.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day.
Hugstoday is starting a new challenge over at the Everybody-Art-Challenge Blog. This week with a great sketch from our dear Alex. I hope you like the sketch and I´m looking forward to see what you come up with.
For my card I selected the cute Tilda with flowers and I used this time the color combo yellow/green.
Over at the challenge of Dutch Dare Card Challenges the theme is called *Vintage Summer* and therefore I let my card looks like shabby.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day.