Hallo Ihr Lieben,
diese Woche haben wir beim Onlinemagazin Stempeleinmaleins die liebe Tina46 als Gastdesignerin. Sie zeigt Euch in einer Schritt für Schritt Anleitung wie man eine tolle Buchkarte gestaltet.
Ich habe eine weihnachtliche Buchkarte gewerkelt und mir dafür die total süße Tilda aus der neuen Christmas Kollektion von Magnolia ausgesucht. Den Sketch findet Ihr bei The Sweet Stop und bei fun with shapes and more möchte das Team gerne *Weihnachtskarten mit Sternen* sehen. Ich habe meine Sterne mit viel Glitter überzogen und sie zusätzlich mit Perlen verziert. Bei der Challenge von Truly Scrumptious sollen wir die Innenseiten der Karte dekorieren und bei der Winter Wonderland Challenge lautet das Thema *Girly Christmas*.
Vielen Dank für´s Vorbeischauen und habt einen guten Start in die neue Woche.

Hi dear all,
over at the online magazine Stempeleinmaleins you can find a great tutorial from our lovely guest designer Tina46 this time and she shows you step by step how to make it.
I´ve made a christmas book card and selected therefore a sweet Tilda of the new christmas collection from Magnolia. The sketch can be found at The Sweet Stop and the team at the challenge of fun with shapes and more would like to see *christmas cards with stars*. I`ve covered the stars with a lot of glitter and decorated them also with some half pearls. At the challenge of Truly Scrumptious we should *decorate the inside of the card* and the theme at the Winter Wonderland Challenge is called *Girly Christmas*.
Thanks for stopping by today and have a good start into the new week
Hugs and smiles

Card Recipe:
Stempel/Stamps: Magnolia, Christmas Circular Sentiment
Papier/Papers: Cardstock from Stash, Patterned Paper: Magnolia
Werkzeug/Tools: Spellbinders Labels 8, Spellbinders Nestabilities Standard Circle, Vintage Tag Die, Leaf & Swirl Die, Old Swedish Lace & Tilda Lace/Magnolia, Martha Stewart Border Punch, Stars Die/Quickutz, Sewing Machine
Zubehör/Embellishments: Lace/BoBunny, Glitter Stampin`UP!, Ribbons from stash
Medium: Prismacolor Pencil & White Spirit
Colours I´ve used:
Haut/Skin: Light Peach, Peach, Henna
Haare/Hair: Cream, Sienna Brown, Dark Brown, Black
Kleid/Dress: Crimson Red, Crimson Lake, Tuscan Red, Black
Schuhe & Geschenk/Shoes & Gift: Cool Grey 20%, Cool Grey 50'%, Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver, Black
Colours I´ve used:
Haut/Skin: Light Peach, Peach, Henna
Haare/Hair: Cream, Sienna Brown, Dark Brown, Black
Kleid/Dress: Crimson Red, Crimson Lake, Tuscan Red, Black
Schuhe & Geschenk/Shoes & Gift: Cool Grey 20%, Cool Grey 50'%, Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver, Black
26 Kommentare:
Oh this is just gorgeous dear. Love it hon and your coloring is just breath taking dear. Hugs
What fabulous coloring on this adorable Tilda! I had to sit a look at this beautiful card for a while to catch every lovely detail! Thanks for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week!
ooooh how pretty
hugs miranda
Wow! amazing!! I really LOVE your card:) Love the way you have decorated the inside of the card:) Thanks for joining us at Truly Scrumptious.
Hugs Bente
Oh my, I looove this!
Fantastic colored, and georgeus embellishments. This book simply reeks of Christmas! :D
Wow....eine zuckersüsse Tilda und wunderschön gestaltet deine Buchkarte.
Liebe Grüsse
Wow, this is gorgeous, with sweet Christmas spirit all the way!
Hugs, Marianne:)
Dear Moni,
I Just arrived at you blog. Oh my, do I love your art and creative mind! I'll be watching this blog closely, thank you for giving us so much of your time and mind. You make so wonderful and lovely works! I enjoyed the visit on your site. Many thanks for your beautiful inspirations!!
Many warm Hugs from Marina from Germany
I invited you gently to visit my creative Website: Bettyscardsandpaperdesign.com
i love it!!
greetings, Mandy
Oh gorgeous card Moni and what an adorable Tilda, great colours too.
Oh my, this is fantastic. Love, love the new Tilda, she is adorable and you color her to perfection. Super.
Hugs, Yvon
Oooooh weeeeee! That is awesome! I love your coloring! Stars, swirls, and pearls! How can you go wrong?! Thanks for playing along with us at the Sweet Stop this week!
Die Buchkarte sieht absolut fantastisch aus.
LG Babsi
Wauww Moni this looks great. And hhmm do I want to see the new Magnolia's.........ppff thats costing me money........:)
Hugs Marga
Wow, diese Karte ist ein absolut genialer Weihnachtstraum! Wunder-, wunderschön! Da stimmt einfach alles - perfekt coloriert, alles farblich und thematisch aufeinander abgestimmt - toll!
Liebe Grüße
So wonderful Moni,I love the image and the colours.
So gorgeous papers and the details.
Hugs Riet.xx
Moni, this is just breathtaking, as always actually!
hugs, Alina
Beautiful. Love the rich red. Thanks for playing at Winter Wonderland. (I have some candy on my blog.) Marianne x
Boah. Das ist wirklich eine unglaubliche Kreation - soviel Liebe zum Detail.
Deine Buchkarte ist einfach traumhaft schön liebe Moni, ich bin immer wieder begeistert von deinen Werken!
Hab herzlichen Dank für's Mitmachen bei fwsam!
Liebs Grüessli,
What a gorgeous box! Love everything about it! Great images, colors... the embellishments are so pretty! Thanks for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week!
WOW...was fuer ein Wunderwerk!!!!!
Deine Buchkarte ist supertoll...so ein liebes motiv,fantastisch coloriert!
Wow, das sieht großartig aus! Tolle Deko und so schön koloriert!
Oh Moni,das ist eine zauberhafte Buckarte.So klasse,ein wunderschönes Motiv,eine super schöne Coloration und so viele kleine schöne Details.
Liebe Grüße
Love the book card hun fab thank you for joining us at truly scrumptious this week for out challenge
Wendy DT TS
Hi! wow this is really lovely,such a great idea and your colouring/colours are just perfect-love all.
hugs Lou.xx
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