Hallo Ihr Lieben,
schaut doch mal ... ich bin für Februar bei StampARTic auf dem Walk of Fame :) und dafür hat das Team meine Karte mit der süßen Gretel von C.C. Design auserwählt.
Wow! Vielen Dank an das Team, ich fühle mich so geehrt und freue mich riesig darüber!!

Hi dear all,
just look, I´m on the StampARTic´s Walk of Fame for February :) and the team chose my card with sweet Gretel from C.C. Design.
WOW! I´m so thrilled and honoured to be chosen, thanks so much to the team!!
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by.
13 Kommentare:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Moni...das hast Du Dir mit Deinen superschönen Werken auch total verdient :0)))
Liebe Grüße
WOW That is absolutely gorgeous!!
Congratulations, Moni, so deserved, it's such a beautiful card!
Enjoy it!
Hugs, Alina
Congratulations Moni!!! Well deserved!
Hugs, Dena
Congrats for this Walk of Fame !!! But I think you MUST be in, cause your work is really amazing and this card is just WOW !!! Gorgeous !!!
Mag :)
Congrats Moni...I can see why, I fell in love with it the first time I saw it...absolutely gorgeous!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Moni.
LG Renate
Congratulations dear Moni, no wonder you was chosen.. you are so talented sweetie and this card is stunning, Hugs, Nikki x
Congratulations, beautiful card, lovely details and colours
Congratulations Moni :)
Carole x
It's so well deserved. Love your creations, they are all beautiful.
This card is totally, breathtakingly, STUNNING! :o)
Love everything about it.
Lots of hugs from Hanna
Congratulations, you deserve this, this is truly a beautiful card :o)
Hi this is a gorgeous card I love the colour's
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