Hallo Ihr Lieben,
heute möchte ich Euch gerne eine etwas andere Kartenart zeigen ... es ist eine Schürzenkarte, die ich von der Art her total süß finde :o) Eine Anleitung dafür findet Ihr beim Onlinemagazin Stempeleinmaleins, wo Euch die liebe Simone Schritt für Schritt zeigt, wie sie gemacht wird.
Ich habe mir für meine Karte die goldige Garden Tilda ausgesucht, denn ich fand sie einfach perfekt für meine kleine Gartenszene.
Bei der Challenge von Creative Inspiratons lautet das Thema *Sommer* und bei Just Magnolia ist diesmal *alles erlaubt*, genauso wie bei der Sir Stampalot Challenge. Außerdem möchte das Team von All That Scraps gerne das wir *Punches oder Dies* für unsere Werke verwenden.
Habt einen tollen Tag und vielen Dank für´s Vorbeischauen.

Hi dear all,
today I would like to show you another card of me ... I´ve made this time a apron card, which you can find over at the online magazine Stempeleinmaleins. Our dear Simone shows you step by step how to make it.
I selected for my card the sweet Garden Tilda, thought she fits perfectly to my little garden scene.
The theme at the challenge of Creative Inspiratons is called *Summer* and at the Just Magnolia Challenge there is the theme *anything goes*, just as with the Sir Stampalot Challenge. And over at the challenge of All That Scraps we should play with *Punches or Dies* this week.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by.
Hugs and smiles

Colours I`ve used:
French Grey 10%, Warm Grey 10%, Peach Beige, French Grey 30%, Sandbar Brown, Limepeel, Moos Green, Kelp Green, Marine Green, Warm Grey 90%, Black, Light Peach, Peach, Henna, Cream, Sienna Brown, Dark Brown
25 Kommentare:
Good morning Moni, this card is very amusing and details are stunnig! I always love your jobs...hugs, Francesca.
L O V E L L Y ! ! ! <3
hugs Petra
Oh wow oh so cute, such a wonderful card. Hugs Marja
GREAT card! Love the idea of the gardening apron.
Judi x
It's so lovely!
Hugs Monique
So beautiful Moni,I love the image and the colours.
So gorgeous papers.
Hugs Riet.xx
Linda idéa!
Hugs Marita♫♫
Gorgeous, what a great card
What a wonderful card! So many lovely details, perfect for summer.
Thank you for sharing it with us at Sir Stampalot this month, and good luck!
Lynne x
woow very beautiful!
greetings, Mandy
So sweet and so useful as well.
Thank you for sharing with us at Stampalot Challenge this month and good luck.
B x
A lovely summery creation hun! Thanks for joining in with our Summer theme over at Wednesday's Creative Inspirations Challenge Blog! xxx
WOW this is stunning your colouring is amazing, thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations this week.
Shell xx
Nein, wie goldig ist das denn, liebe Moni! Ich liebe dein Kärtchen und die ganze Gestaltung. Sehr süss!
GLG, Alessandra
Beautiful card, love the shape. Thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month.
Moni!!! Amo seu trabalho e sua criatividade!! Seu blog é simplesmente fantástico. Muityo obrigada por compartilhar seu talento conosco!!
ich finde dein Werk serh sehr schöööönnn! komme gerne wieder zum Stöbern vorbei!
Hi sweetie, this is just gorgeous I love the image and your colours are fab, thanks for joining us at JM/HS this week, hugs pops x
such a beautiful apron card.
Thanks for joining us in the Sir Stampalot Challenge. hugs Chris xx
A fabulous card! such a great idea for a gardener! Thanks for joining us at Sir stampalot this month and good luck!
Super!! Supersuper!!!!!
Fabulous card, love the shape and perfect colour scheme, love it!
Helen x
What a wonderful creation
Thank you for Joining us at Stampalot challenge this month & good luck!
A cute and pretty creation. Thanks for joining Sir Stampalot’s challenge with this great entry, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
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