Hallo Ihr Lieben,
heute möchte ich euch gerne wieder ein Sneak Peek von mir zeigen ... diesmal ist es ein kleiner Fussballer mit dem Namen *Super Striker* aus der brandneuen Kollektion von Lili of the Valley.
Den tollen Sketch findet ihr übrigens bei der neuen Everybody-Art-Challenge, die heute an den Start gegangen ist, vielleicht habt ihr ja Zeit und Lust und macht mit! Ich bin auf jeden Fall schon gespannt, was ihr wieder schönes zaubert.
Das Team von der Crafty Cardmakers Challenge möchte gerne unsere Werke zum Thema *for the Boys* sehen und bei der Challenge von Stamps & Fun = Creativity sollen wir einen Sketch von einer anderen aktuellen Challenge nehmen. Bei der Papertake Weekly Challenge ist diese Woche *alles erlaubt* und bei der ABC Challenge ist diesmal die Farbe *Orange* dran.
Habt noch eine schöne Woche und vielen Dank für´s Vorbeischauen.

Hi sweet friends,
today I would like to show you another sneak peek of me ... I worked this time with the super sweet image *Super Striker* of the brand new collection fromLili of the Valley.
Today is starting a new challenge over at the Everybody-Art-Challenge blog. Our dear Domi has made a gorgeous sketch for us all to use this week. I can´t wait to see what you come up with!
The team at the Crafty Cardmakers would like to see our cards to the theme *for the Boys* and at the challenge of Stamps & Fun = Creativity we should use a sketch from another currently challenge. At the Papertake Weekly challenge there is the theme *anything goes* and at the ABC Challenge we should show our work with the colour *orange*.
The team at the Crafty Cardmakers would like to see our cards to the theme *for the Boys* and at the challenge of Stamps & Fun = Creativity we should use a sketch from another currently challenge. At the Papertake Weekly challenge there is the theme *anything goes* and at the ABC Challenge we should show our work with the colour *orange*.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you still have a wonderful week.
Sending happy smiles and lots of hugs

Card Recipe:
Tools: Spellbinders Classic Circles & Spellbinders Scalopp Circles, Retro Flower Punches/EK Success, Doo Hickey Flag Die, Sewing Machine
Embellishments: Flat Backed Pearls, Scrappers Floss/Ranger
Sentiment: Calendar/Imaginisce
Medium: Prismacolor Pencil & White Spirit
Colours I`ve used:
Light Peach, Peach, Henna, Cream, Sienna Brown, Dark Brown, Spanish Orange, Orange, Pumkin Orange, Cool Grey 50%, Limepeel, Olive Green
with this card I made ...

with this card I made ...

13 Kommentare:
Liebe Moni,
die Karte mit dem kleinen Fußballer ist wirklich richtig süß geworden. Ich freu' mich schon sehr auf die neuen LOTV-Motive - und Du hast dieses Motiv wunderschön in Szene gesetzt.
Herzliche Grüße
This is so pretty. LOve your colours. Hugs, Ankie
Such a gorgeous card, one of my fave images. Your colouring is fab - Thanks for joining in with the Papertake Weekly Challenge - Jane x
I probably said it before, but....
Your coloring is amazing...
Love the colors and papers on this card....
Hugs, Kaia
Ah this is so sweet, what a cute card, I adore the colours you have picked for it. Thanks for playing on Papertake Weekly this week, Hazel (GDT)xox
Absolutely gorgeous Moni.
So incredibly beautiful card! Colourful and with cute stamp! Cool of the seam and cloth in the background! We will be very happy if you would join our May challenge in Tuesday Alchemy! There had been an honor!
WOW, what can I say, this is just fantastic. I love the colours.
Thanks for joining us in our 'For the Boys' challenge at Crafty Cardmakers.
Sorry I haven't had time to comment on all your beautiful creations, there are some stunning samples. I've become a follower so I will try and keep in touch.
hugs Kimx
That's such a cute card - love the football image!
Thanks for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers!
A totally fabulous card, love the image and colours!
Helen x
Liebe Moni,
Deine Karte ist super schön geworden!
Das sind tolle frische Farben und ein sehr niedliches Motiv.
Deine Coloration und Deine Gestaltung sind perfekt.
Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.
Ganz liebe Grüße
wow the colours really pop!!! fabluous card..cant see enough of your lovely work your one very talented lady hugs sassyx
as always beautiful... love your cards!!!! great details and wonderful coloring!!! thanks for playing with us at ABC Challenge
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