Hallo Ihr Lieben,
ihr habt es bestimmt schon gemerkt ... hier ist es sehr ruhig geworden, denn ich mache eine kleine Blogpause!
Außerdem ist es mal wieder an der Zeit um ganz HERZLICH DANKE zu sagen ... für die Zeit die ihr euch nehmt, um auf meinem Blog vorbeizuschauen und für all eure lieben Kommentare, das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen!
Ich wünsche allen eine tolle Sommerzeit und bis bald ...
Hier kommen noch meine Top 6 Kreationen für das erste Halbjahr 2012, die meine kleine Tochter Madleen (4 Jahre) ausgesucht hat ;o)

here are my Top 6 creations of the first half of the year 2012, picked by my little daughter Madleen (4 years) ;o)
Hi dear friends,
as some of you may have noticed ... it´s been very quiet around my blog, because I´m taking a little blog break.
Once again it is time to say THANKS SO MUCH for taking the time to visit my blog and leave such lovely comments, I really appreciate it!
Have a wonderful summer time and see you soon ...
Big Hugs and Kisses
16 Kommentare:
ooooooh wooooow what a lovely cards, realy likt them alot
have a nice weekend
Hi Moni!
Seing all this stunning card is really a plesure!
I hope you are well and i send you a BIG, BIG HUG.
Lovely creations, thank you for sharing, can't wait for you return.
Have a wonderful summer.
hugs Dorte
love your work always a pleasure to stop by..enjoy your break!!
I wish you all the best but.... I,m waiting till your are back with your cards!
Best regards Angelique
Enjoy your break. Hope to see you back soon. hugs, Ivonne
wonderful cards, enjoy your break x
Wowwww Moni,This is so wonderful,I love the images and the colours.
So gorgeous papers.
Hugs Riet.xx
Was für zauberhafte Werke!
LG Ilse (thera)
Wonderful cards, all of them!! You give me inspiration..thank you!!
Have a nice week
Hugs from Lena
Gorgeous card Moni, your creations are always stunning and so worth waiting for during your blog break! :)
Wish you a fabulous summer, and I look forward to follow your crafting journey when you feel like blogging again.
Sending you a big hug from Sweden
very nice card and fab colors !!!
good day
Moni all your cards are so beautiful and your colouring always wow's me. Your's is one of my favourite blogs to visit when I'm in need of inspiration :)
I hope you are enjoying a lovely Summer break
hugs Mandy xx
all th kreationen are so cute and loveley.
glg meggi
amazing cards all so well done and beautiful
ich bin total begeistert von deinen Kartenkunstwerken - einfach nur ein Traum. Mir fallen garnicht genug Lobworte ein.
Sicher werd ich öfters bei dir reinschauen
Lieben Gruß Gisela
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